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Associazione patrocinata dal Mibac, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali.

Trasparenza Legge N.112/2013 ART.9




The Cultural Association Megakles Ballet borne in Lentini (Siracusa – Italy) from 1997 with artistic direction by Laura Odierna and Salvatore Romania. The first work is “Il ratto di Proserpina”performed at “Taormina Arte 1997”in collaboration with Associazione Retablo of Rome, producer Federico Magnano di San Lio, choreography S. Romania and L. Odierna and participation of Judith Malina and Hanon Reznikov fom Living Theatre. In 1999 the Megakles Ballet wins the first and the third trophy at the international contemporary dance Competition “Danzasi” in teatro Greco of Roma for choreographic competition. In 2000 the association wins the first trophy at the National competition “Tendendanza”and elaborates a projects about organization and support to cultural activities and the C. E. E. approve and finance it.  The association participated in various dance festivals in Italy and abroad, the most significant: "Taormina Arte, Siderno Dance Festival, International Exhibition City of Favara, Summer Festival of Athens (Greece), Danzaria "Teatro Giuditta Pasta di Saronno , The biennale Dance Festival in Venice and Dreamtime Festival in Milano. Also deals in its area to spread the culture of performing arts, particularly contemporary dance, through projects designed to stimulate interest in creativity in young people and the PON (National Operational Projects) in collaboration with local schools, are an example.

Courses and Training


The cultural association Megakles Ballet is a point of reference for those interested in training of classical ballet and contemporary courses starting from basic to advanced courses for professionals, this is a school where you can study, learn and mixing techniques research and contemporary expression. In the center teach many teachers, all provide high quality and original point of view of body language, from basic techniques to experiments and contamination of different languages such as hip hop, oriental dance, theater and dance and anything else that could be considered relevant in theatrical art. We have created a curriculum for dancers that includes theory and practice, academic courses beginning in September and ends in June. Our students because of their sensitivity and critical thinking, stimulated by the teachers, they will create a personal point of view enriching culturalmente .In this way we try to stimulate tissue growth Italian art of contemporary dance. In addition to regular courses, we offer in-depth meetings and workshops with teachers and national and international artists. The subjects are: floorwork, release, Improvisation, Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Contact Dance Theatre and, study of voice, rhythm, critical analysis of theater and dance research and creation and use of stage space.